Wood Surfacing Options
Wood based materials, including engineered wood fiber (EWF) mulch, are the most commonly used playground surfacing materials because they are easily accessible, easy to install and have a much lower initial cost than other playground surfacing options. They also have an attractive natural appearance that is important to many park and facility owners looking for a surface that blends well with its surrounding environment.
Wood Options
Engineered Wood Fiber
There are many different types of wood mulch available on the market, but most are not designed for playground applications. While homeowners may choose to purchase any kind of mulch, playgrounds designed for commercial or public use should only use IPEMA certified Engineered Wood Fiber (EWF) materials. Playground mulch for use on public/commercial playgrounds should meet ASTM F1292 standards for impact attenuation as well as ASTM 1951 for wheelchair access.
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Engineered Wood Fiber
Engineered Wood Fiber is typically made from shredded virgin wood (often from used pallets) which contains NO twigs, bark or leaves. It stays in place better than other loose-fill materials like sand, pea gravel, or landscape mulch and is wheelchair accessible. Harsh weather can compromise its critical fall height protection.

Wood Options
Landscape Mulch & Wood Chips
As noted above, the wood mulch used on commercial or public playgrounds needs to adhere to much higher standards than typical landscape mulch. However, many customers will use landscape mulch or wood chips because they are readily available at their local hardware store or landscape material provider. Given this, we have provided information on using this material as a home playground surface.
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