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Select Border & Frame Options

Bocce court borders are optional, but they are encouraged since they keep balls within the court boundary and allow players to bank their shots to get around other players’ balls. Borders are typically 6 to 8 inches tall, but you can customize them based on your needs.


A concrete bocce court border provides a clean and professional finish. While a concrete border can be the more expensive option, it is also the long-lasting and durable frame option that will need little to no maintenance.

a bocce court in a hotel courtyard with a clean, raised concrete border
a wood bordered bocce court with packed gravel edging for drainaged to help preserve wood


As the traditional bocce court border option, wood helps reduce wear and tear on the bocce balls. However if located outside, wood borders are likely to degrade overtime due to the natural elements of the outdoors.

Landscape Wall Block

Similar to concrete, landscape blocks can provide a clean and professional finish to a bocce ball court. They can come in different sizes, colors and designs and easily be replaced if damaged.

a decorative block border for a backyard bocce court
