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More and more landscape architects are hopping on the pet-scaping bandwagon, proving that a space for pets doesn’t have to look like a prison.

Given the dangers lurking in many gardens, not to mention severe drought, some dog owners are choosing synthetic grass, like XGrass Pet Grass. It can be a low maintenance solution that drains and dries quickly. This solution allows pet owners to easily wash away animal waste, providing a hygienic area for their dogs to rest and play.

Pet-Friendly Grass in Miami

The community of Coconut Grove, a neighborhood in Miami hired XGrass to revitalize Blanche Park and create a large, clean space for dogs to run and play. The XGrass Pet Grass surface allows the park to stay clean and prevents animals from digging up areas or playing in muddy puddles.

The Perfect Grass

Even though it is made of synthetic materials, XGrass stays surprisingly cool to the touch. The City of Miami chose the product for their new dog run in Coconut Grove’s Blanch Park. Dogs and their owners are reportedly jumping for joy.

Mess-Free Grass

This client was looking for a product that would prevent their dogs from digging in the soil and tracking mud into the house. XGrass Pet Grass provides a clean and comfortable surface for dogs to run and play.

See the full article on HGTV at http://www.hgtvgardens.com/gardens/dog-friendly-garden-design
